Loop System Advantages

ADA compliance for “Effective Communications” is possible in all Title II and III places of public accommodation. Ironically, houses of worship in the U.S. are ADA-exempt but often lead the way in providing hearing loop systems at services and events within their communities.

The “top ten” advantages of a hearing loop system:

  1. Virtually no maintenance. Hearing Loops require virtually no maintenance once installed. Loaner equipment (LOOP RECEIVER) storage is needed to accomodate those who benefit from a hearing loop but do not already have telecoil-equipped hearing aids, cochlear implants, bone-conduction devices or a loop listener.
  2. Virtually NO LIMIT to the number of users within a LOOP field. All seats are good, front-row seats for ears that need a hearing boost. This fact guarantees compliance with ADA rules for effective communications. (ADA Rules)
  3. Discreet assistance for all. Loop users have only to turn on their T-coil to pick up clear sound.
  4. Win-Win for Hearing Aids & Implants. There is no need to remove a hearing aid while in a properly looped space. Users benefit from the loop technology AND their customized hearing aids for the best possible hearing and comprehension.
  5. Standardized, International Compatibility. Loop technology uses a standard, universal system that any works with any T-coil equipped personal hearing aid, implant or device — in any country.
  6. ALL Brands of Hearing Instruments Work. All brands of telecoil-equipped hearing aids, cochlear implants and bone-conduction devices work with ALL hearing loop systems.
  7. Listeners use hearing aids/devices that they own. Sound is optimized for their personal hearing loss and needs. There is no need to remove a personal device while in a looped space.
  8. Improved clarity and understanding benefits businesses by reducing stress experienced by staff trying to engage in meaningful, effective conversations with customers.
  9. Cost Effective. Hearing Loop Installation is an investment in a system that requires minimal staff attention/maintenance and delivers many decades of reliable hearing access within the looped space.
  10. Welcome to a Hearing-Friendly Space! The international logo/signage for a hearing loop system is a WELCOME sign to all those who seek audio clarity and comprehension outside of home.

From the Wall Street Journal, August 28, 2015
“A Technological Godsend to Counter Hearing Loss”
The ‘hearing loop’ is a remarkable advance, but all too hard to find in the U.S.
By David G. Myers