G.I.T.H.L. Campaign

The “Get in the Hearing Loop” Campaign is a communication access program that is sponsored by the Hearing Loss Association of America (HLAA). If you need help advocating for a hearing loop system visit the “GITHL TOOL KIT” that is stocked with a sample RFP, postcards, sample letters, posters, checklists, etc. for download as PDFs.

“We dream of a world where people with hearing loss can thrive each day with communication access, full inclusion, and equal participation in all aspects of life, everywhere they go. Through education, advocacy, and consultation services, the Get in the Hearing Loop program has laid the groundwork for a national movement of loop enthusiasts who are promoting communication access and ADA compliance, one loop at a time. We hope to change public spaces—and lives!—by sharing information about hearing loops.”


Postcards, Small Cards and Posters

Additional Information